

健康, 安全, 以及我们学生的福祉, 教师, 员工是尤宁山的头等大事. When making decisions regarding public health issues such as 新型冠状病毒肺炎 (coronavirus disease 2019), University will always work cooperatively with and follow the guidelines and recommendations of leading health organizations, 包括 National 中心 for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention, 俄亥俄州卫生部, Stark County Health Department, and the 联盟市卫生局. 

  1. 面罩的

    Mount Union对校园实行非戴口罩政策. There may be some courses that still require face coverings. 在学期开始之前, students in these courses received notice via an email from the 办公室 the University Registrar. 在以下情况下也需要面罩:

    • 在解除隔离五天之后.
    • Anyone considered a close contact of an individual who has been identified as COVID positive will need to mask for 10 days regardless of vaccine status.

    Students should have a face covering available should extra protection be needed or if they are not feeling well. Always be respectful of those who choose to wear face coverings or request that you do so 当 in close contact.

  2. 疫苗接种

    Although the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 vaccine is not required at Mount Union, we strongly encourage members of the campus community to get vaccinated and receive all recommended boosters to protect themselves and others. The 新型冠状病毒肺炎 vaccine is the single most effective way to protect our community.

    如果你还没有接种疫苗或加强疫苗, 以下是联盟社区中的一些提供商.

  3. 测试

    测试 will continue to be available through the Student 健康中心 for symptomatic students. 教师 and 工作人员 should contact their primary healthcare provider regarding testing upon becoming symptomatic or exposed to the virus.

    学生健康中心提供家庭测试, 胡佛-普莱斯校园中心问讯处, 或者比格利大厅的人力资源办公室.

    教师, 工作人员, and students should seek testing within 24 hours of becoming symptomatic, 最好在出现症状的同一天内.

  4. 检疫和隔离

    If a campus community member has tested positive for COVID,y should isolate for five days regardless of symptoms or vaccine status. If they are fever-free and symptoms have improved by day six,y can resume normal activities while wearing a mask for five additional days.

    当一名学生被诊断患有新型冠状病毒肺炎时,y can either go home to recover or isolate in their room. Students should remain in their room and leave only for healthcare appointments.

    It is critical that symptomatic individuals not physically attend class or work or participate in other campus community activities. 被隔离/隔离的学生应与 学生无障碍服务办公室 regarding accommodations required for the continuation of their coursework. 教师 and 工作人员 members in quarantine/isolation should work with their supervisors or the 人力资源厅 以确定是否可以远程工作. 

    If a campus community member is identified as a close contact, 他们应该戴上口罩10天,并监测症状. 如果出现任何症状,y should 进行测试 and quarantine until results become available and indicate a negative test. Students can either quarantine at home or on campus/in Alliance. 教师 and 工作人员 members needing to quarantine should do so at home while avoiding close contact with other individuals until released.

    The CDC 新型冠状病毒肺炎 Isolation and Exposure Calculator can be used to figure out if, 当, 能维持多久, 新型冠状病毒肺炎感染者和密切接触者需要呆在家里, 进行测试, 戴上合适的口罩. It also provides important information about what precautions people can take to slow the spread of 新型冠状病毒肺炎.


  5. 报告和沟通

    With the recent ending of the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 Public Health Emergency, 新型冠状病毒肺炎 will no longer need to be reported to the local health department and contacts will no longer be traced by the University’s health services coordinator or the 人力资源厅. 

    教师 and 工作人员 of the University will report illness to their director or supervisor, 就像其他疾病或缺勤一样. Students missing class due to illness will need a class excuse from their primary care physician or be evaluated at the Student 健康中心.   

    教师, 工作人员, and students should still consider wearing a mask if they have respiratory symptoms and stay home if they are ill.

    If you have questions, please contact the 人力资源厅 at humanresources@ebay126.com or Beth Wayt, health services coordinator, by phone at (330) 596-7995 or email at waytba@ebay126.com.

  6. 健康资源

    Support for students needing assistance with stress or anxiety is available via:
